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  • Rheumatic fever/heart disease


  • chorea
  • mitral stenosis



- For acute rheumatic fever:

  • two major, or one major, and two minor manifestations, plus evidence of preceding streptococcal infection

- major manifestations:

  • migratory polyarthritis
  • carditis
  • chorea
  • erythema marginatum
  • subcutaneous nodules of recent onset

- minor manifestations:

  • fever
  • arthralgia
  • elevated ESR or positive C-reactive protein
  • prolonged P-R interval on ECG

- For chronic rheumatic heart disease:

  • either physical findings consistent with a valve lesion of the heart in a patient with a history of rheumatic fever
  • or physical findings consistent with mitral stenosis, even in the absence of a history of rheumatic fever, but without any other demonstrable cause


  • heart valve disease K83
  • other heart disease K84


  • I00; I01.0; I01.1; I01.2; I01.8; I01.9; I02.0; I02.9; I05.0; I05.1; I05.2; I05.8; I05.9; I06.0; I06.1; I06.2; I06.8; I06.9; I07.0; I07.1; I07.2; I07.8; I07.9; I08.0; I08.1; I08.2; I08.3; I08.8; I08.9; I09.0; I09.1; I09.2; I09.8; I09.9