The future is ICPC-3!
A development team led by Kees von Bouven and Huib Ten Napel (University of Nijmegen, Netherlands) is preparing ICPC-3. The base of this working group is a consortium, supported by several institutions as:
- University of Nijmegen (Netherlands), Dep. of Primary and Community Care; Lead Institution
- WONCA Europe
- WONCA World
- WICC – WONCA Internatinal Classification Committee
- Dutch College of General Practitioners (NHG), Netherlands
- The Brazilian Society for Primary Care/ General Practice (SBMFC)
- The French organisation: Agence des Systèmes d’Information Partagés de Santé
- University of Ghent, Agentschap Zorg en Gezondheid, Belgium
- Finland, the National Institute for Health and Welfare
ICPC-3 (English version) launched Dec. 15th 2020
Look here for info
The Roadmap of the Concortium:
ICPC Development commences | January 2018 |
Content development begins
Structure proposed and end content development |
April 2018
June 2019 |
Alpha version with the core released | December 2019 |
Beta version completed | March 2020 |
Field trials start | May 2020 |
Field test completed
Final draft published on the website (–> Link) |
September 2020
December 2020 |
ICPC endorsed by WONCA | February 2021 |
ICPC implementation package ready | May 2021 |
ICPC book published | July 2021 |